Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Block the Date : Summer Alumni Meets

Dear Friends,

Greetings from XLRI! I am happy to invite you and your family to the Alumni summer meets 2014. It is being organized in all major cities with the help of our alumni and students. The calendar of meets in different cities is:

Sl.No Cities Dates Day
1 Singapore 26th April,2014 Saturday
2 Hyderabad 2nd May,2014 Friday
3 Kolkata 9th May,2014 Friday
4 Delhi 10th May,2014 Saturday
5 Pune 23rd May,2014 Friday
6 Mumbai 24th May,2014 Saturday
7 Chennai 30th May,2014 Friday
8 Bangalore 31st May,2014 Saturday

Looking forward to meeting you,
With Warm regards
Sharad Sarin

More Details on Venues etc to follow


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