Whats happening at my Alma Mater XLRI, Jamshedpur and what its alumni are upto in various parts of the World. Contributions to this page are always welcome.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Madan Pillutla (BMD 90) OB Chair @ LBS
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
XLRI & National Innovation Foundation sign MOU
Jamshedpur, Jan 28
Premier B-School XLRI has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with National Innovation Foundation (NIF) for creation of a research advisory council (RAC).This council would assess different innovations that NIF would be scouting from eastern states of Jharkhand, Bihar, some areas of West Bengal, Orissa, Chhattisgarh and eastern UP. According to the MoU signed here on Sunday by NIF national coordinator (business development & micro venture) L Chinzah and XLRI director father E Abraham, the research advisory council (RAC) would comprise of professors of the B-school, industry experts and NIF members.
The innovations to be assessed would be sourced from NIF's 'national register' for grassroots innovations and those selected would be offered support by way of a nomination to the biennial national innovation award as well as by way of offering to bring refinement in the product, protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) associated with the product and by way of offering risk capital investment for setting up enterprises.
The risk capital investment for setting up an enterprise would be offered to the innovator by NIF's micro venture fund.
Also XLRI's student body social initiative group for managerial assistance (Sigma) would be involved in mentoring and monitoring the innovations/projects thus chosen for incubation. The students' body would also assist in market benchmarking the innovation and in developing business plans. Innovative ideas needing wider social diffusion among the local populace would be handled accordingly.
Also, XLRI's recently founded Father Arupe Centre for Excellence (FACE) would document the challenges faced and the strategies adopted in the development of the chosen innovations for the B-School's future educational purposes.
Established by the department of science & technology in February 2000, the National Innovation Foundation (NIF) aims at providing institutional support in scouting, spawning, sustaining and scaling up grassroots innovations and help them grow into self-supporting ventures. Its "Honey Bee" database of around 10,000 innovations collected and documented by SRISTI is part of the National Register of innovation managed and supported by NIF.
According to the NIF national coordinator (business development & micro venture), NIF was looking forward to support from XLRI's Sigma and FACE for "adding value to" the innovations it has come across in the eastern region in the past two-and-a half years of scouting work that it has done. "As NIF cannot do much on its own, following the networking philosophy, we are trying to build capacities here so that existing institutions like XLRI can be brought to the platform to add value to such innovations," said Mr Chinzah, adding that NIF hoped that the partnership would go a long way.
Speaking on the occasion, the XLRI director said that the student body (Sigma) and faculty supported initiative would be of much use to the B-School as "our students need to go out to the villages and see what the real world looks like", adding that even if a few of the 70,000 innovations on the NIF list materializes into something big it would actually be creating ample business. During the last 7 years of its existence, NIF so far has filed 150 patent claims in India and seven in the US, of which 30 and seven have so far been granted. NIF has also so far funded around 100 innovations since 2003.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
XL Runners at the Mumbai Marathon
(In no particular order)
1. Emmy David (83)
2. Abhijit Kelkar (BM 94)
3. Chandramouli V (BM 91)
4. Narayan Swamy (BM 91)
5. Amit Buchar (2001)
6. Jayanta (2001)
7. Val Souza (87)
8. Abhishek Sancheti (2007)
9. Ganesh Raman (2003)
10. Chandra Bhattacharjee (IR90)
11. Luvkesh Bhatia, Exec-PGP 2005
Also present were :
Jaspal Bindra (84) at the start-up line waving out to all
P S Jayakumar (BM 84) - PSJ is the country business manager - consumer banking for Citibank in India.
try out the site http://www.global-pix.com, select Mumbai marathon from the list of races and type in your bib number..your pic shud be there..
Kim's Note : Please let me know if there are any errors or omissions in the above list.
Abhishek Charms XLers with some Philosophy
In our critical meeting on December 16, we had jointly decided that XLers will start working with XLRI campus in Singapore to deliver special sessions on Saturdays (Usually 3rd Saturday every month) to the budding students at XLRI Campus in Singapore.
On January 19, it turned into reality with Abhishek from Standard Chartered took the leadership in delivering the first session to kick off the commitment. Well attended by both current batch and the Alumni, this session was enlightening with various examples from real life.
The session "The Strengths Philosophy: Have Fun While You Succeed." - The session went into the idea behind understanding one's own unique strengths and went on to explain on how we can maximize it to achieve highest impact in whatever we do. The maxim is to win any "game" playing through your own "rules". Maybe that is what Abhishek did :)
Well done Abhishek. I am happy to see the excitement and participation.
Ram, Vinod and I met up for lunch today and we thought, this will be a good forum to share our appreciation to Abhishek. Hopefully, we will have more volunteers who share their insights.
PS: As I write this, I have another confirmation from another XLer (Certified Trainer on Six Thinking Hats), who is happy to do a small workshop/session on De Bono's "Six Thinking Hats". If all goes well we will have this the next Saturday itself, by popular demand. Keep your calendars free for February 2, 2008 (~1:00pm-3:30pm). I will communicate more details formally later. Block your Calendars and Stay Tuned!
Rajesh Soundararajan
Friday, January 25, 2008
Ensemble 2008
The theme for Ensemble 2008 is Advantage India: The bird of gold spreads its wings. The Indian economy, with its technical prowess and its large talent pool, is poised for take off. It is consistently averaging GDP growth of about 8-9%, and the biggest companies of the world are queuing up to invest in the country. Ensemble 2008 is devoted to this bird of gold, with games and events organized around the opportunities and the potential that lie ahead. The Aditya Birla Group is the principal partner of the fest.
The showcase events of Ensemble 2008 are the Idea Summit and the newly-christened flagship game, Discessio Imperators. The Idea Summit is a panel discussion where eminent panellists from all walks of life share their experiences with b-school students. The topic for this year’s Idea Summit is India: Domestic & Global Inclusion for Sustainable Growth. The panellists are: Mr Y C Nanda, Chairman of Agricultural Finance Corporation Ltd and ex-Chairman of Chairman of National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD); and Mr S.J.S. Swamidoss, Ex RBI Director. Mr Govindraj Ethiraj will be acting as the moderator.
In keeping with XLRI’s image as a b-school run by students, the events of Ensemble 2008 have all been organized by the numerous committees on campus. The games vary across all business verticals, and enthusiasts of Finance, Marketing and Human Resources will all find something for them at Ensemble 2008. Apart from these, there are events for adventure-lovers, budding entrepreneurs and quizzing enthusiasts. The preliminary rounds of most of these events have already been held, and b-school students from all over the country are converging on the XLRI campus in Jamshedpur.
However, Ensemble 2008 is by no means an ‘All work and no play’ event. The fest will culminate on 26th January with a performance by Parikrama, one of the best rock bands in the country. Not only that, the 27th of January will see XLRI hosting Astarte, the cultural festival of the institute. For more information, please visit the official websites of Ensemble and Astarte.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Hopefully again another CRICKET MATCH
We guys sure missed a golden opportunity to patent/copyright or whatever else possible to protect our concept rights over the 20-20 cricket format...long before it became a world wide craze we guys had already made it customary to only play 20-20 matches....but then as they say we could have had a piece of history !!!!
Now getting onto the actual subject of this email...we are cos of PUBLIC DEMAND trying to schedule our annual round of cricket matches for Feb 10th and FEb 17th both Sundays. I have got in touch with JK of IIM-c to check for ground availabilty and player availability esp fro IIM-A and IIM- others. So guys and gals do try and stay in town and check up yr emails for more news. Also prospective players and those interested do email me/Tommy/Shanta yr names,email id and contact numbers so that we update our cricketers' database.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Vote for XLers in the Careers 100
The career related blogosphere is the latest place where XLers are making a mark.
HR Funda blogger Ajit Chouhan (exec-PGP) http://hrfundablog.blogspot.com/ is number 48
And BP Rao (PMIR '74) - his blog “People at Work and Play” is number 135 http://bprao.wordpress.com
Thanks GG for this info
Friday, January 18, 2008
Vikram Chachra (94 batch) writes about babuaji/bawwaji
.......Around 11:30 am, one of my high school buddies picks me up in his car and we go to hang out at a local tea stall called Bawwaji. The tea stall takes its name after the owner who is a large amiable fellow. He makes the best tea in the city with his own special blend of masalas. Bawwaji is located under a huge peepal tree with wide branches that provide a leafy canopy to the regulars who are permanent fixtures at this charming tea stall. I have some friends here who are so regular here that they have suggested Bawwaji should cut them in as partners. The assembly is usually parked on large chunks of stones lying under the peepal tree. The Bawwaji tea stall is a social institution in Jamshedpur and it's significance is often underestimated by those who are not in the know. This is where the budding intellectuals of Jamshedpur gather to banter about everything under the sun. I am constantly amazed at the range of opinions to be found here, and especially the conviction with which they are delivered by self proclaimed 'experts', many of whom have acquired their worldly knowledge purely by imaginative speculation. If you want to learn how to BS convincingly about anything under the sun without a clue about it, you need to come here and spend a week. .......
Singapore alumni - 19/1 - The Strengths Philosophy: Have Fun While You Succeed.
“The Strengths Philosophy: Have Fun While You Succeed.” - The session would explore the idea behind understanding your own unique strengths and maximizing it to achieve highest impact in whatever you do.
The maxim is to win any “game” playing through your own “rules”.
The address is:
Image International [S] Pte Ltd
167, Jalan Bukit Merah,
#07-119, Connection ONE,
Singapore 150167
Tel: (65) 6563-6680;
Fax: (65) 6272 0750;
Xler posts on the official google blog
We’ve got an XLer who’s posted on the Official Google Blog, and becoming the XL blogger with the largest audience for a single post (note that the blog has an estimated 638,000 readers!) .
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Help Xlers in the Mumbai Marathon on 20th Jan
Emmanuel David(83bathc) & wife Nazarene
Chandramouli Venkatesan (91batch)
Narayan Swamy (91batch)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
XLRI Alumni Pitch for Social Entrepreneurship
With more and more companies focusing on their core business, there would be a surfeit of opportunities for young MBAs to get into entrepreneurship roles, said R Ramakrishnan, who was with Asian Paints for 18 years before moving over to Bajaj Electricals seven years ago and is currently its executive director.
Ramakrishnan, urged his alma mater to find ways ‘so that more of us’ could get into social entrepreneurship as the country was faced with huge challenges in the ‘‘health, education and development with social equity’’. He the next 15 years would throw up enough opportunities for the current batches of MBAs to become entrepreneurs.
The interaction between the 35-strong batch of 1982 and current students threw up interesting observations.
Ramachandran Kannan, who is with Careers India, observed that moving from their era 25 years ago of specialisation in marketing, HR, finance, systems, etc., today there was need for a lot of free enterprise. Even though there were ‘‘employment opportunities galore’’ there were a whole lot of self-employment opportunities, particularly in the space of innovation, technology, etc, he added.
Batch members suggested that there was need for a more structured method of grooming entrepreneurial talent at the B-School. ‘‘There are a lot of challenges with respect to the environment, governmental factors, competition, globalisation, etc., and, therefore, the need to develop the soft skills and the mindset for entrepreneurship,’’ said Kannan.
Members of the 1982 batch also deliberated on whether the structured course on entrepreneurship being developed by the B-School could be extended to social entrepreneurship.
One among the batch who lamented working for a corporate rather than running his own business, as this could have given him a lot of satisfaction, sought his alma mater's intervention in developing soft entrepreneurial skills in future students. ‘‘Being an entrepreneur is a totally different ball game than working for a corporate,’’ he said.
Cushrow J Jassawala, COO, Thomson Press, thought industry, companies and business in general would in the future be increasingly taking risks. Therefore, growth opportunities for young MBAs would be ‘enormous’. One would have to think differently and not accept the situation and fall in line, as growth and opportunities lay on the path less traversed, said Jassawala, who had been with Voltas, a Tata enterprise, for a long time.
HSBC Intelligensia '08
The chief guest at the event was Mr Mohit Seth, Senior VP, Talent Management, HSBC. Accompanying him was Ms Nidhima Malhotra, who is a member of HSBC’s Campus Awareness Team and an XLRI alumnus. Mr Seth gave away prizes worth Rs 60,000 to the winners and later delivered a talk on talent management. With Nike T-shirts on stake as audience prizes, the event saw huge participation from XLRI students and was a grand success. The chief guest expressed his appreciation for the smooth organisation of the event and hoped for more collaborative efforts between SAPPHIRE and HSBC in the future, thus further cementing the relationship XLRI has with corporate organizations.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sneak-Preview from XL - PPOs
In an impressive prelude to the annual placement season, XLRI Jamshedpur has announced a total of 57 Pre-Placement Offers (PPOs), translating into corporate invites for one-third of the batch even before signing into the Placement season.
The offers ranged across a varied spectrum of verticals – from Strategy Consulting to Investment Banking, Corporate branding to Human Capital, and Technology Management to Corporate Finance.
JP Morgan Chase, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Reliance Capital and Axis Bank were some of the leading recruiters in the Finance Domain who deemed it fit to offer Trading, Investment Banking, Treasury, Commercial Banking, Equity Research, Human Resources and other coveted roles to students right out of their summer internships.
The Hay Group, Ernst and Young, Hewitt, Mercer, TAS, the Aditya Birla Group and Deloitte were among the recruiters vying for a piece of the Consulting, Human Resources and General Management pie in the batch by confirming their interest in interns.
Unilever, Procter and Gamble, Asian Paints, ITC, Cadbury, and Nestle were the leading FMCG and consumer durable majors that snapped up trainees choosing to pursue a career in marketing, branding and sales.
Microsoft, CTS, IBM, and a host of systems majors were pleased to extend offers in Business Development, Human Resources, and Marketing to students.
‘’While the performance of our students was no surprise in itself, and justifies the recognition accorded by the Industry, the offers are hopefully just the beginning, and set the tone for a robust placement season’’, said Prof. Uday Damodaran, Placement Coordinator, XLRI.
In addition, with more Pre-Placement Offers yet to come in, and Pre Placement Interviews scheduled over the next few weeks, the number is likely to see a significant increase as the students enter the Lateral Recruitment Programme and Campus Recruitment Programme.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
XL's 1-yr Full-Time Executive MBA - Placement Information
Friday, January 11, 2008
XLRI Leadership Expedition
This year, plans are in progress to scale the Island Peak in the Himalayas. This peak, situated to the south of Mt. Everest, scales to a whopping altitude of 20,305 feet. Students will attend a 2 month long training camp conducted by mountaineering professionals to build up the required stamina. The team shall also undergo a week long equipment training session from one of India’s premier mountaineering institutes. The expedition is organized by the Adventure and Nature Club of XLRI, popularly known as XLNC in campus. The committee has decided that this year’s theme shall be selected in a unique fashion, in that an NGO would be given the option to decide the theme for the expedition, thus helping them promote their cause without any consideration in return.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Amitabh Hajela (93PMIR) is EXL's new Global Head HR
NEW YORK, Jan. 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- ExlService Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXLS), a recognized business solutions provider, today announced Amitabh Hajela has joined EXL as Vice President and Global Head of Human Resources.
Amitabh joins EXL from Celanese Corporation, a Dallas-based Fortune 300 Chemical company, where he served as the Director for Global Talent Acquisition and Leadership Development. Amitabh also led the talent acquisition and review process for Celanese in the U.S., Europe and China.
Before Celanese, Amitabh Hajela was based at American Express, New Delhi as the Vice President and Business Leader for Strategic Initiatives and Projects. He was responsible for providing leadership to the strategic development and implementation of operating strategies for the American Express controllership function in India.
Earlier, Amitabh served in several significant capacities with General Electric both in the U.S. and India. From 2001 to 2005, Amitabh managed GE's effort to establish organizational capability to support global sourcing from the U.S. which included outsourcing work to India. Amitabh is an alumnus of XLRI with a specialization in personnel management and industrial relations.
Commenting on Amitabh's hiring, Rohit Kapoor, President and Chief Operating Officer of EXL stated: "We are delighted to have someone with Amitabh's background join EXL at this stage in our growth and evolution. Amitabh's focus will be helping to ensure that we meet the future challenges of talent management and a higher level of employee engagement as EXL experiences rapid growth and the further globalization of our organizational footprint."
Vikram Talwar, CEO and Vice-Chairman of EXL, stated: "With his international exposure and his rich experience in talent acquisition, leadership development and organization restructuring, Amitabh is a valuable acquisition as EXL focuses on acquiring and retaining the best global talent within our organization. We are excited to have Amitabh join the senior leadership team of EXL..."
Pictures of XLRI Alumni Homecoming
More are available to view on the Xlers blogspot, Thanks to Mr. N Venkatesh!
Click on
Saturday, January 05, 2008
XLRI Jamshedpur and Loyola University Partnership
As part of this agreement, Dr. Arup Varma, Indo-U.S. Professor of Management Studies at Loyola, and an XLRI alumnus of the 1984 PM& IR batch, is spending a term at XLRI, teaching a course in International Human Resource Management. In addition, a group of 16 graduate students (both MBA and MSHR) from Loyola will be visiting India from January 2 to January 12th, 2008. They are pursuing a course titled Global Study Abroad (India), under the guidance of Dr. Arup Varma. During their stay in India, the students will participate in several company visits in New Delhi, and also do some sightseeing in New Delhi and Agra. From Jan 6th to 12th, they will be at XLRI, where they will participate in joint classes with PM&IR students, in addition to interacting with students, faculty, and staff. Further, the students are also scheduled to visit companies in Jamshedpur, in addition to visiting some local villages to see how micro-credit is helping some tribal communities become independent and self-sufficient. Next year, Loyola will host a group of students from XLRI.
The faculty and students at XLRI and Loyola are very excited about this partnership, as it gives students at both institutions an opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture and learn about the country and its people, in addition to studying and understanding business practices. We are confident that this partnership will continue to grow, in the years to come.
Friday, January 04, 2008
New Director's message
Welcome to XLRI Website ! Your journey through the website will show you the people, the place and the role XLRI plays in the world of management education. For those who are familiar with our old website, I hope, this is a welcome change. The new design, executed with professional help and expertise will please you all. I would like to hear from you. | |
XLRI with its single vision of Magis, i.e., pursuit of excellence, focuses on three areas: academic excellence, personal values and social concern A special word of welcome to our Alumni, who are eminent, in every walk of life and in every part of the world. This network with your alma mater will bring nostalgic feeling for you. But XLRI has a loving mother's pride in knowing what you are doing, how you are doing and what XLRI you like to see. XLRI spares no effort to make its curriculum world class and deliver it in the most effective manner. It constantly scans the developments in business and in society and tries to proact to meet the challenges. Its world-class faculty with its commitment and deep sense of service delivers the curriculum very effectively. XLRI tries its best to recruit the best faculty, induct them properly and help them to imbibe EXCEL culture and value and serve the students and industry with great dedication. They are also deeply involved in research and consultancy. Their involvement in industry makes their teaching very relevant and current. Our MDP programmes have helped thousands of junior, middle and senior executives across the length and breadth of the country to update their knowledge and their skills. Our outreach programmes Executive-PGP, Satellite-based Programmes, General Management Programmes and overseas have helped many working people to upgrade their knowledge to climb the career ladder. These multiple programmes aim to serve many sections of society and many areas of management. We are also planning to serve you in many other ways. You can browse through the website periodically to know about our future plans. For now, I invite you to our website for an interesting and educative journey. Thank you. God bless you. E. Abraham, S.J. |